Monday, March 01, 2010

A New Adventure Begins

Well, today was the first day of my second call. So far it has been productive since I was able to completely unpack my office, read the texts for Sunday, talked with the secretary and Christian Ed director and supervised the installation of our cable and internet. My first meeting will be tonight and it all begins with finance. I am hoping the meeting is productive and quick so that we can continue to unpack and make more shopping lists to complete our move into the new house.

So far we are enjoying the new place. Living in a parsonage is not the same as renting or owning our own place. We need to be more aware of our usage of utilities and how we maintain the house since the church is paying most of the utilities and at some point another family will be living here. We have some plans for changing some of the decor in the dining room and master bedroom especially. I am excited to try my hand at taking down wallpaper and repairing walls for painting. We are hoping to leave a positive mark on this house that will help whoever is here next to live here happily.

There is a lot to get done in this month and so far it is off to a good start. Among the many things are preparing 4 workshops for the annual Conference on Congregational Ministries and some important Project Connect arrangements. It's gonna be a busy few weeks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This Sunday we heard a gospel lesson about Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness. I was inspired to preach about how we are tempted to believe that God has abandoned us when we feel that we are in the wilderness but the promise of our baptism is that God never leaves us, no matter what.

Tim was helpful to point out at one point leading up to Sunday that I was more than likely preaching to myself more than anything else and I have to agree with him. We are indeed in a kind of wilderness as we leave one community of faith and begin to live in another. In the midst of this change we have experienced a range of emotions and have been trying to find the evidence of God in the midst of it all.

I have so many questions racing through my mind this week in between calls. Wondering if it was the right time to leave the first call. Questioning if this is the place where God has called me to be. Wanting to believe that we can trust those who guide this process even when we are feeling less than sure that we can. Worried about the move (not just because of the impending snow storm) and if it will be good for Tim and I as we are more removed from the things we depend on for a well-rounded life. In the midst of all of this change we are called to trust that our anxieties are heard by God as prayer and that those prayers will be answered in God's time. We live in this hope because of our baptism and the promises made and fulfilled in Jesus' death and resurrection.

Hopefully the move will go well, and as planned, and while we live into this season of Lent we will find Easter hope in what God has promised.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today was the last day of my first call. I woke up earlier than usual (on time) and was at the church by 7:30am. I was feeling uneasy about how to handle the whole day. I anticipated being emotional about the last day in a place that has taught me so many things. I was able to push down the emotions for most of the morning which allowed me to preach effectively and be gracious about their congratulations and best wishes. At the final benediction I was starting to feel tired and let some tears flow. It felt good to be able to maturely handle this big transition and still convey my love and prayers for this community as they remain there and I continue ministry in a new place.

We packed up my office this week and were able to move it all into the new office this afternoon. It was weird to hand in one set of keys only to be given a new set for a new church and home (the parsonage) within the hour. Our house is in a state of upheaval as we begin to have more of our belongings packed away than not. Each day we are closer to being ready for the movers to arrive at 8am on Friday morning. We are entering this move with some fear and trepidation for what God has in store for us. Change in this vocation is inevitable but we will be in an extended liminal state for this year as we (and the new congregation) discern God's call for each of us. Tim is disappointed that this new church does not have an active choir as one of his passions and sources of faith is in being able to sing hymns and lead the assembly in praising God in song. I am looking forward to having some more freedom in ministry and being in what seems like a less demanding parish. Perhaps it will give me time to read more and blog my thoughts more often.

While I am not especially gifted at writing I do see value in being able to write down ideas to share with others. Blogging is a way to express those thoughts in written form but that can also spur conversation about the topic. I hope to be able to read more often as well. There are so many books that I would love to have time to dig into. If I find time to do so I will be sure to blog my thoughts about them here.

So this transition is in full swing. We will soon be in a new place with new surroundings and new people. We pray that God would be present for all involved in this transition and allow us to see grace and love in the midst of what seems like the wilderness.