Friday, June 23, 2006

So much to say

There are so many days when I am in the car or in my office and think to myself "I should blog about this today..." but then I get home and completely forget to blog about whatever happened that day. From feeling fat to wedding stress and wanting to kill my boss there have been various topics on my mind. Lately they have been more wedding related than anything else but what do you expect when we have less than two months to go and I live 200 miles away from home?

I had a fitting on Monday for my wedding dress. At this point in the process the dress fittings should be something to look forward to because they put everything into perspective and you realize how great the day is going to be. Well I walked away from that fitting feeling like a cow and had no support from my Maid of Honor that was there with me. I never smiled once the whole time and all she could say was 'smile!', not 'what is the matter' or 'you look great'. It made me miss my Valpo girls a lot because from freshman year on I never felt like I was getting anything less than an honest and supportive opinion from any of my friends. My MOH is a friend from high school and I think that we have grown apart more than either of us expected to which is fine but right now it's frustrating because she is just not catching on.

It was also hard to be at a dress fitting without my Mom. Actually, the whole dress process has been particularly difficult to do without my Mom. From day one of shopping I have been trying to keep my emotions in check and just get through it without too many hiccups and I think it caused me to settle on a dress that fit the criteria that I thought that I wanted when it might not be my 'dream' dress. I never had a 'dream' dress and this dress is going to be just fine but I think that any dress that I would have gotten would still feel like a mistake because Mom was not able to help. I will say that Karrie Tallon is my personal hero right now because she emailed me from Rome, Italy to tell me that everything will be ok and that Mom really is with me in this whole process and would be so happy with the choices I have made - especially Tim :)

I have about 5 weeks left on internship and there are moments when it feels like 5 weeks is not enough time to finish all that I need to and other moments when it feels like an eternity. Tim was here last week and will be back for the last week in July so in between I need to finish my internship project, my approval essays and my final evaluation - 3 things that are nothing short of epic to complete. All in all it will be a good 5 weeks with a trip to San Antonio with the youth group (who I will probably miss the most!) and Vacation Bible school with the kiddos that make me smile every Sunday morning. So it will be a good 5 weeks.

Well, in all honesty, that is all that is going on right now. Wedding inviations are out and we are now waiting for responses. If you did not get an invite please do not take it personally but blame Powerball and Mega Millions for not matching our tickets all those times that we played for all of those millions. You could also blame my Dad's mother for having 10 children and therefore giving me 25 first cousins who are mostly my age and most of which have spouses that are automatic invites. If I had millions we would all be together for a week having a blast and celebrating like rock stars.

36 days until I move home; 56 days until I start a new life

1 comment:

Christine said...

i got my dress off ebay and even though my mom is still alive she wasn't there for fittings. even though the symbolism of the dress is important, at the end of the day it is just a bit of fabric and thread.

i think everyone has to endure the evil dress fitting nightmares...its like a right of passage. aside from long poofy sleeves, i've never seen a bad looking bride. i am sure you will look amazing!!!