Thursday, April 06, 2006

3 Days to Palm Sunday

Life is getting crazier by the day. The closer we get to Holy Week and Easter the crazier my life becomes. There is so much to do before Sunday and then so much to do next week.

Just when I thought that I knew what next week would look like (crazy) my supervisor mentions that we need to do Holy Week visits to the homebound of the congregation - when in the hell am I supposed to visit the homebound?! I am happy to visit them at any time, I just wish that I had a bit more warning about it than the week before. Then I ask why we didn't sit down and go over the list together (like we have 3 times before) and she says that we already did... hmmm... I don't think I was at that meeting. So I tell her that I don't remember and she insists that because there are notes on the side of her list that we met in the recent past - OK, I forget stuff so it's quite possible that we did. So I get back to the church and go into my office to find my sheet and notice that there are no new notes on my sheet referring to new visit assignments. Hmm... When I get home I have an email from her listing the people that I am supposed to visit - THEY ARE THE SAME ONES AS LAST MONTH!!! We have not talked about this in a meeting since February!!! I know this because I actually put the date next to my information when we met the last time. Such is the life of an intern...

Tomorrow is going to be a long, hard day and I am looking forward to the end of it.

Until then...

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