Thursday, April 06, 2006

What a day...

It wasn't a bad day but man was it long! I got up and went to the gym in the morning and then got myself into my office only to realize how much work I have to get done before Sunday. My internship project is coming up and I am beginning to realize how stressful this is going to be. April is going to fly by and I hope that I am able to keep up! I only have 4 months left here to get my stuff done and still manage to get stuff done for the wedding. I will be ordering invitations this week and someone from the congregation has offered their services as a calligrapher to help me address them - a total God-send! I know that in the end things will work out just fine but right now I am beginning to freak out a little. I cant't wait until we are finally married and I can begin my life with Tim. Tim is coming a week from today so I am really looking forward to seeing him - 39 days apart is too long!

Tomorrow I am looking forward to SUPERvision and a day of preparations for Palm Sunday and Holy Week. I cannot believe that Palm Sunday is this week! Where did the time go? I am not ready yet!

Tonight I spent some time updating my MySpace site and now my little brother has a site too so you should go and harass him.

1 comment:

Christine said...

as far as i know ASU doesn't have a pharmacology program. maybe he meant Uof A? or NAU?