Tuesday, April 04, 2006


There have been more than a few shows that have captured my attention over the years. Mr. Rogers, Pinwheel, You Can't Do That On Television (thank you Nickelodeon before you got all crazy), The Cosby Show, Fraggle Rock, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, The Sopranos, Big Love... and many more - but there is only one show that I own actual seasons of on DVD and is Gilmore Girls. Maybe it's because the girls talk about as fast as I do and I feel a kind of kinship in our speedy speech. Maybe I wish that I lived in a town like Stars Hollow with characters like Kirk, Taylor, Miss Patty, Babette, and of course, Luke. Maybe I wish I had rich grandparents like Richard and Emily to fight over who will pay for my Yale education and to buy me a Prius. Since I currently live in Connecticut (where the show takes place) I have been able to really catch on to some of the Connecticut-isms that they use such as the Courant, dirty New Haven, rich people from West Hartford, the Gold Coast, and the random po-dunkness of the small towns.

Here is my commentary on the show this season for all of you who watch too:
Right now I would like to wring Rory's neck for meddling wth her mother's relationship with Luke because she is really making it worse than it has to be. Even if Lorelai is being a little wimpy about pushing Luke to introduce her to his newly found 12 year old daughter, April, she is just trying to be supportive of Luke. And if anyone should be talking about relationships it is not Rory! She has taken Logan back twice now after he behaved badly and most girls would forgive her for taking him back after he was a jerk the first time but then after he sleeps with 4 girls because of a misunderstanding that reminds of me the show Friends when Ross and Rachel were "on a break" and most girls would say take a hike - but not Rory! All he needs to do is bat those pretty eyes and she is back in his luxe apartment in New Haven (the good block in New Haven). I want to email the writer and see if she could please give Rory her spine back sometime soon becuase I don't think I can take it anymore.

So thats what I have to say about that. Life has been hectic and this past weekend really kicked my ass with all of the stuff that I had to do. I hope to keep up with the blogging for the rest of Lent becuase I know how you are just waiting to see what is going to come out of my brain next.

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