Monday, March 06, 2006

165 days to go...

But I am not keeping count or anything

Monday is my day off so I get to sleep in and go to the Y in the middle of the day and shower at 4, it's really a great day in the life of an intern. It's the day that all of a sudden becomes all about us and the lives we have outside of the parish. I get to hang out on all day and read the message boards and dream about my wedding and how happy I will be to reach that day. The sad part about the day off is that there is technically only one a week. That's right, you might have thought that Pastors only work one day a week but in reality there is only one day in which we are not working - those of you who are PKs know what I mean. This job is demanding and most people in seminary assume that we will be 'on call' 24/7 but that is mostly true. We can be called at any time to attend of a situation that needs our presence but that does not mean that we WORK 24/7. My supervisor said that if we 'work' 24/7 we will never be able to be available for the emergencies that come up that fit into that 'on-call' category so that we will not only become overworked but also unavailable to our parishoners when they need to feel God's presence the most. I agree with her and also think that if we take our day off for granted and work right through it we will lack a sense of self that is desparately needed in ministry because if we cannot figure out who we are how can we preach to our parishoners and expect to know who they are.

Another great part of having Monday as a day off is that I get to stay up late on Sunday night, good thing the Oscars were on TV on Sunday :). I was SO happy when Crash won for best picture because it is amazing film. When I first saw it I was out with a friend from seminary celebrating our last final being finished and we wanted to get off campus for a little while. We had no idea how intense it would be but we were really glad we were able to see it in the theatre. If you have not seen it I suggest renting it and then buying it for use with groups about racism and the way society labels people all to quickly and unfairly. Don't watch it if you are looking for a movie to make you feel better about yourself but watch it because you want to see the world in a very true way. This is, of course, my opinion and anyone else who does not agree is open to do so but in a day in age where things seem all too sugercoated to be reality its nice to see a movie from Hollywood that actually says what the world is really turning out to be.

Well, the dryer is no longer making the floor shake so that can only mean that my towels are now dry. Gotta love the day off.

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