Today was really boring and lonely. I woke up before 10 because I am congested like it's my job so I had an extra few hours to kill this morning just hanging out. I like Saturdays because I can usually sleep in and wear jeans all day - a luxury I really miss from my undergrad and seminary days.
Today was gorgeous outside and so I had the doors and windows open to let the house air out. My only task for the day was to write my sermon for tomorrow morning but that was turning out to be a task that was not going to be accomplished in any kind of manageable time frame. I turned off the TV and set my iPod to play all kinds of fun classical/churchy music so I would be inspired. That worked for about 3 hours and I only wrote 2 paragraphs.
So then I took my car to the car wash since I had a free pass and it was not raining or snowing today. It was a nice little drive with the sunroof vented and my windows down. Then I came home.
To make a long, boring story short - I then watched some college basketball and also watched two new TLC shows. I watched "Little People, Big World" and thought it was ok - not as interesting as I thought. I then watched the Duggers (those people in Arkansas that have 16 children) build a 7000 sq ft house by themselves in over 3 years. It was like watching ants build with an Erector Set. You know its a great family when all of the kids' names begin with J and the dad's name is Jim Bob - no lie.
Ok, now I am rambling. I need to go to bed so I can get up and preach tomorrow. Blah.
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