Monday, March 13, 2006

But it was my day off...

Monday is my day off and for the last few weeks I have not been able to really relax and enjoy it - today was no different. I woke up still sick and unable to speak a whole sentence without my voice going in and out so you could only hear certain syllables. My nose was still runny too. What a way to wake up.

I debated for most of the morning about whether or not I should go to the doctor to see what exactly is wrong with me. In the past, when I needed to make such a decision I would usually call Mom. Somehow we have this instinct that when we are sick and need to figure out what we should take or do to care for ourselves we call our Mother. Well, for those of you who really know me you know that calling my Mom is impossible so you can imagine my frustration. No one ever tells you how to deal with this when they help you grieve a parent. There should be someone designated in this position for just these types of situations so that those of us who were not yet ready to figure this stuff out on our own can still have some help. So I ended up going to the little clinic that my f@#king insurance allows me to go when I am sick - my hate for this insurance policy is so much that I don't even think that all of my ranting would fit into one blog. The Physicians ASSistant (or PA for you doctor types - ASS emphasis intentional) was colder than Minnesota in the dead of winter and after I told her that I had been sick for a week and how my voice really doesn't sound like a chain-smoking man she said that it was probably just viral and gave me a script for something for my sinuses - which I told her DIDN'T hurt. Also, when I told her that my mucous was green (sorry for the graphics) she said that color really doesn't matter - so my stuff could have been purple and it just meant that I must have eaten a lot of grape Skittles??? So I left feeling like I should have trusted my gut and not gone at all and just waited for this crud to do it's thing and go away.

I then went to the store and picked up some more food - Dannon yogurt was on sale, 10 for $5, total steal! The rest of the day was just crappy because I don't get good cell reception here and when Tim called I couldn't talk to him much at all. I cannot stress enough how much this living arrangement sucks. I finished the day with some wedding stuff and more TV - really can't get enough of the stuff. All in all it was a sucky day, even if it was my day off.

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