Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Brownie to the rescue!

Well this day went from kind of boring to so stressful that I just want to elope! Pericope became a vehicle for my supervisor to build up and let our her frustrations on me on the drive home. Then, I brought her some cookies and the day seemed to perk up from there. I made a timeline for my Internship Project and began to see a clearer vision of what it will eventually look like and that was more than comforting since I am approaching this project with no prior 'Mission Statement' building experience.

As I left the church I decided that it might be a good day to go shopping for new work clothes - that was a mistake. I went to Old Navy and Kohl's and realized that right now my body is either too big or too small and not once did anything actually fit me the way that I think it was supposed to. So I am going back to the Lean Cuisine hardcore for the next few weeks so that I actually become a size that exists and not one that is in an alternative universe. Ugh.

Then I come home and realized that I need to get our invitations figured out soon so we can order them and have the calligrapher write all of the addresses on them before June. That meant that I had to figure out the wording, color, font, and style of the invitation, response cards, reception cards, and the envelopes. That took 4 hours and I still have to wait for some more information. If I knew getting married the formal way was this stressful I would have booked a flight to Vegas a long time ago. Sheesh!

The good part of the day was watching former FEMA director "Brownie" make a fool of himself on the Colbert Report. If you have a chance to catch it tomorrow it's worth a half hour of your time. He actually thinks that he is smart, its hilarious.

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